Lineage of Love: Why Ancestral Healing is so Important Now
The leaves on the highest branch of a tree will eventually wither when the connection with its’ roots are broken. The very same is true for humans whose roots are planted deep in the soil of history through our ancestors. For many of us this sacred connection has been severed for various reasons. Today we have the ability to access this wisdom buried within our DNA to empower ourselves, trigger profound healing, and reconnect with our ancestral roots.
This is no Longer an Esoteric Concept: The science of epigenetics tells us quite clearly that the memories, traumas, and the belief patterns of our ancestors are recorded and passed down in our genes as well as through social/learned behavior. All of these things are living within us today. It is our disconnection from ourselves, our history, each other, and nature that is the source of so much suffering, violence, and illness in the world. How do we reconnect?
Behaviour can be affected by events in previous generations which have been passed on through a form of genetic memory, animal studies suggest. Experiments showed that a traumatic event could affect the DNA in sperm and alter the brains and behaviour of subsequent generations. -James Gallagher, BBC News
A Story of Reconnection: Torie Feldman, Ancestral Healing Guide and Founder of Sacred Ancestry, has taken an inspiring journey that illustrates the power of this sort of healing work. Torie, with fair skin, big blue eyes, and reddish hair, has Jewish, Czech, Hungarian, German, and mostly European ancestry. Like many people she did not know a whole lot about her own ancestry at the time. Her career started by studying Cultural Anthropology in college where she explored her deep interest in Indigenous cultures.
Awakening the Dreamer: After graduating she learned about a nonprofit organization in San Francisco called The Pachamama Alliance that hosts workshops, trainings, and cultural immersion journeys in the Amazon Rainforest with the Indigenous Achuar People. These programs equip individuals with tools to regenerate the planet’s ecosystems and bring justice to their communities. Creating new stories that help people restore their relationship with the Earth, each other, and themselves is central to the Pachamama Alliance philosophy. It was a perfect fit, so at the age of 19 Torie enrolled in one of their popular trainings called Awakening the Dreamer. (The course is still available for free online and you can learn more about it here.)
She was hooked and Torie was on her way to the Amazon Rainforest, through the Pachamama Alliance Journeys Program, to be immersed in the majestic lands and culture of the Achuar People. With these experiences as a springboard for her career and life journey she went on to work with the Tohono O’odham and Hia-Ced O’odham Tribes in Arizona along with other communities.
Yet Something was Still Missing: Torie began to realize that part of her motivation to support these indigenous communities in passing on their ancestral wisdom to the next generations was coming from her own ancestral Wound of Separation. It was time for her to go inward and reconnect with her own ancestral, cultural lineage. With a renewed sense of humility and purpose she recognized that healing her relationship with her ancestors would be crucial if she wanted to have a healthy relationship with the Earth and herself.
Genetic Inheritance: Throughout history all of our ancestors experienced traumatic events like being driven from our homelands by droughts, famines, floods, war, scarcity, and fire. Some of us have both colonizer and colonized, oppressor and oppressed in our blood. With these traumas can come inner conflict and feelings of not belonging, disembodiment, self-doubt, confusion, self-sabotage, and scarcity mindsets.
As Torie teaches in her work at Sacred Ancestry, we all have a core ancestral wounds that impact every area of our life — and until we heal these wounds at the root, we continue to live out the old cycles, and patterns that come from our lineages. Yet each of us also has a miraculous and empowering story of the journey our ancestors endured so that we can be here today. This is a sacred lineage of love and reconnecting with it can be life-changing.
Sacred Ancestry is a movement of ancestral healing, wisdom, connection, and remembrance returning into collective consciousness. Our mission is to create a world where an entire global culture remembers the power of our ancestors and being connected to our roots. Together, we heal ourselves and our ancestors to create Lineages of Love all over the world. We do this for the ancestors, future generations, and for the earth herself. -Torie Feldman
Lineage of Love: Torie now hosts her own workshops and courses through her organization, Sacred Ancestry, helping others to reawaken to their own roots, heal their ancestral wounds, and become empowered to make positive change in the world. She is also watering the roots of her own inspiration by benefitting the Pachamama Alliance through her upcoming class and workshop, Lineage of Love.
Determined to make this program accessible for anyone who would like to be part of it, she is offering a revolutionary “pay-what-you-want” registration fee. The best part is that 100% of the proceeds will go to the Pachamama Alliance to support them in continuing their important work in the Amazon and globally. Currently she has raised $42,280 and her goal is to raise $50,000.
The Lineage of Love Course consists of 6 modules, each being 2–3 hours long. You will also learn from Indigenous teachers, Snow Raven from the Sakha People of Arctic Siberia; Kandy Maku from the Kogi Tribe of Colombia; and Pulxaneeks from the Eagle Clan of the Xanuksiala First Nation with Nuchanulth and Lummi Ancestry. Each class includes an hour lesson, 30-minutes of sharing or question/answer, a guided meditation, and a PDF with journal prompts for self-discovery. Currently over 1100 people from all over the planet have signed up for this special online course.
An Invitation: Many sages throughout time and spiritual traditions acknowledge the importance of going inward to heal one’s self as the first step in healing the world. Right now we are all witnessing so much division, suffering, war, chaos, and the threat of environmental calamity gathering like storm clouds on the horizon. Many of us often feel helpless in the face of these challenges yet know that somehow there is a way forward. We each have a very special gift to offer the world in her healing journey though we might not quite know what it is yet.
The Lineage of Love Course is a very special opportunity to heal yourself, your lineage, and become part of a larger global community that is dedicated to the inner journey to bring forth collective healing for our beloved planet. Your contribution will also support the Pachamama Alliance as they bridge Indigenous cultural wisdom with the modern world by protecting the Amazon Rainforest to create inspiring stories of healing and resilience for future generations. Please take some time to consider making a pledge and being part of this sacred offering by visiting The Lineage of Love Course to learn more or sign up!