International Day of Peace as Nuclear Armed Adversaries Escalate in Ukraine

Jacob Devaney
5 min readSep 9, 2022


It is almost surreal to watch the world entering a cold war and teetering on the edge of a nuclear confrontation in 2022. Yet people everywhere who desire the sanctity of peace continue to gather, celebrate, and petition for an end to this madness. The International Day of Peace, signed by 193 member nations at the UN, encompasses peace between nations and individuals as well as peace within. This year’s celebration will host 14 days of events by numerous collaborating organizations, free live streams, educational programs, a music festival in Central Park, and a globally synchronized moment of silence in Times Square at 12pm on September 21.

“A key ingredient in building culture of peace is education. The young of today deserve a radically different education — one that does not glorify war but educates for peace, non-violence and international cooperation.”
– Ambassador A. K. Chowdhury, Former UN Under-Secretary-General & head of UNICEF

Photo by Anastasiya Lobanovskaya

Aside from political agendas and war-profiteering, military conflict is ultimately the result of failed diplomacy or a refusal to negotiate altogether. Citizens have a responsibility to bear witness, be informed, and petition their leaders in a democracy. For this reason peace-education and advocacy will be emphasized with free live streams online throughout this month. It is time to call for de-escalation from all sides.

Never before has there been such a need for peace organizations to send a unified message to world leaders. Never before have individuals needed to learn the practices of inner peace and educate themselves about conflict resolution. Above all we must be vigilant in the prevention of policies, circumstances, and beliefs that lead to war.

“Those who love peace must organize as effectively as those who love war.” — Martin Luther King Jr.

Unifying the Peacekeepers: UNIFY is a nonprofit organization that operates through peer-to-peer networks and social media to shed light on important global challenges with a solutions-oriented, spiritual, and community based approach. UNIFY recognizes that the only true path to global peace is through inner peace and thus aims to amplify educational programs to foster community support and engagement. UNIFY has partnered with numerous luminaries and organizations to share live-streamed content from September 11–24.

“A virtual conference unifying spiritual & religious leaders from all denominations to share messages of peace, harmony and non-violence.”
-Congress of World Peace

The Good News Corporation is a nonprofit organization established in 2002. They have been dedicated to spreading the word about International Day of Peace for 20 years since then. This year in coordination with numerous artists, celebrities, and activists they are hosting Pause the World for Peace. The event, held in Times Square/Duffy Square at 7th Ave &, W 47th St. on Saturday, September 21 will begin at 11am and run until 4pm. There will be over 50 virtual and live presentations via a large LED screen and a performance stage. The event will also be broadcast live, for free on the UNIFY global network.

“WE, The World is a global coalition-building non-profit organization based in New York City. Founded in 1998 by Rick Ulfik, WE, The World annually connects and promotes thousands of socially conscious organizations and businesses, representing millions of people, to amplify their efforts and generate public awareness and action for peace, justice, sustainability and transformation.” -We the World Website

We the World is an organization whose message is about shifting from “me to we”. By raising awareness about what we share in common, and expanding our compassion beyond our own immediate circle we may begin to address the challenges facing humanity. Rick Ulfik is the Founder of WE, The World and Co-Creator of the annual 11 Days of Global Unity September 11th to September 21st. Participants and supporters include Desmond Tutu, Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Bill McKibben, Marianne Williamson, Ralph Nader, Eve Ensler, Daniel Ellsberg, Hazel Henderson, Arun Gandhi and many others.

Learn more about Peace Week Here!

Marking their 10th Anniversary, UNIFY hosted their first globally synchronized meditation flash mob for International Day of Peace in 2012. This grass-roots organization brings together individuals, organizations, and communities for globally synchronized events through their people-powered social networks. Throughout the year they host initiatives, live streams, and globally synchronized events to highlight causes like International Women’s Day, World Water Day, Earth Day, Yoga Day and others. Events for The International Day of Peace begin on September 10th, Suicide Prevention and Awareness Day, and stretch through September 24th.

Broadcast Schedule of Events:

9/10- Global Suicide Prevention Day Broadcast Featuring Pledge for Life

9/11- Press Conference Press Conference with We The World and Good News Corporation including Mayor Eric Adams of NYC, and peace leaders. The event takes place at 12pm EDT in Times Square. This is the official launch for 11 Days of Global Unity that will include presentations with special guests Jane Goodall, Deepak Chopra, Immaculee Ilibagiza, Robert Thurman, Riane Eisler, Bill McKibben and many others.

9/16- UN Peace Assembly Youth Observance and Flag Ceremony NYC

9/17- Begins Peace Week where we address the 7 core needs of humanity and to weave a path forward together for our planet. Broadcasts live on UNIFY each day from Sept 17–24.

9/21- 24 Hours of Meditation at 12pm in every timezone beginning in New Zealand. Broadcasting live online all day at UNIFY.

9/24- 4pm Global Citizen Concert in Central Park, NY with Mariah Carey, Metallica, Jonas Brothers, and others

Globally Online — UNIFY will be presenting inspiring content from these and other organizations from September 10–24 via live streams on the UNIFY website. Updates and more information is available through their social media communities on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, and Twitter. Be a messenger for peace by sharing the various memes, videos, and articles on your own social networks using the hashtags #unify4peace #wagepeace #peaceday and #IDWP.

Be the Peace. Peace begins within. We each have a responsibility to remain vigilant, educate ourselves, and have a daily peace practice. The International Day of Peace is signed by 193 member nations at the UN but it is meaningless if individuals everywhere do not choose peace in their own life and strive to make it a reality in the world around them. Maybe we have reached the pinnacle moment in history where we finally put an end to war and the suffering it creates for every living creature including the animals, rivers, plants, and humans.

“Be the peace you wish to see in the world.” — Martin Luther King Jr.



Jacob Devaney
Jacob Devaney

Written by Jacob Devaney

Cultural-Creative, Media-Maker, Dreamer, Musician. Technology, Art, Science, Health, Spirituality, Culture, Community, Environment. UNIFY Co-Founder

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