A Global Pause as Earth Day Turns 50
We are all here today because our ancestors showed unimaginable tenacity, strength and resilience. We should not take it lightly that the one universal asset that we humans have inherited over millennia is our ability to adapt to changing conditions. Collectively we are witnessing a global phenomena that has people everywhere staying home, slowing down, and witnessing a global pause during this pandemic. Simultaneously the movement to take care of our precious environment that started on Earth Day in 1970 is blossoming. Starting on Earth Day, April 22, UNIFY will be delivering a day-long livestream full of regenerative solutions for a world in transition via Facebook Live.
The current global paradigm, rooted in colonialism and subjugation, maintains itself though extraction, war, and the destruction of vital ecosystems that we all require for a healthy life. As the global pandemic has caused people to stay home we are seeing people adapt and rise to the calling of this historic moment where we all take a collective pause. This year Earth Day is focusing its efforts on virtual events and livestreams to celebrate 50 years of advocating for people and planet. UNIFY, with 8 years of successful online global events, recently had over 25,000 people participated live during the Love > Fear Global Meditation, and over a million people watched the broadcast. The momentum is building as people everywhere who care deeply about the health of our planet for future generations are coming together to plant seeds for a new normal after this pandemic.
“BELLA GAIA shows you how humans and nature are connected, and how art and science are connected. Itʼs an exploration of the relationship between human civilization and our ecosystem through time and space.” - Kenji Williams, BELLA GAIA Founder & Director
We are all being asked to re-think how we live on this planet. The onset of virtual meetings, internet live-streams, and social media allow us to change the way we work, and interact. The pandemic has reduced greenhouse gases, and even caused oil prices to bottom-out as people are staying home. We are considering ways to live that have less of an impact and we are rewiring our brains to think locally. A crisis always causes people to focus on what really matters, what is most important. We are at a potent cross-roads in history, together we can truly create something better for us all.
Community is what holds us together and though we may not be able to gather in person during a pandemic we have the tools to converge online in these virtual events. UNIFY has partnered with Earth X, National Geographic and Earth Day for this epic celebration of our planet. Join us as we highlight amazing events happening around the world as well as host a Global Ceremony for Peace On Earth — the Reunion of the Eagle and Condor featuring prayers from Indigenous Elders at 4pm PDT along with a Global Synchronized Meditation at 7pm PDT.
“Art communicates directly to the heart, and heartfelt participation is what we will need to accomplish the massive, yet entirely doable task of preserving and restoring the Earth’s reefs.” -The Global Coralition
Other partners include the Pachamama Alliance, Earth Day Live 2020, Bella Gaia, Unity Earth, Parliament of World Religions, United Religions Initiative, Youth Climate Coalition, Voices of Ecology with special guests like Vandana Shiva and others. Starting at 9am, the pre-show will include a panel with the Global Coralition which is an innovative global initiatives to restore coral reefs. There will also be a surprise at 1pm PDT where you can take part in this special ‘lunch’ organized by Up.Game and UNIFY where we invite some of the greatest leaders of our time to discuss FutureCasting 2020: A Move To The Regenerative Society. Below is a schedule of the days events:
Schedule (all times PDT):
6:30am Planting Seeds for New Normal
9:00am Global Coralition Panel
10:00am UNIFY Official Introduction
10:30am Unify Humanity
11:00am Planetary Film Screening
11:30am Earth X + National Geographic
1:00pm Unified Planet/Lunch Portal
2:00pm Bella Gaia + NASA
2:30pm New Earth Manifesto Panel
3:45pm Creator Series — Visionary Art Jam
4:00pm Global Ceremony for Peace On Earth
6:30pm Earth’s Call: Hearts Without Borders
7:00pm Global Synchronized Meditation
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Visit the Facebook Event Page here.
Learn more about UNIFY here.
Visit UNIFY on Facebook here.
There are many solutions emerging as we birth a whole new way to live as a people on this planet. No longer can we afford to desecrate our environment and allow the suffering of people in a rat-race driven by greed and profit. There is a much better to structure society in ways that value cooperation, environmental stewardship, and regenerating parts of the ecosystem that extractive industries have ravaged for the last century. This is the call of our time. Though Earth Day started 5o years ago, this is just the very beginning of a movement that promises to prioritize people and planet over profits. The time is now!